罗德岛警察局长协会(RIPCA) 2020年承诺

July 30, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

On May 25, 2020, 我们都惊恐地观看了乔治·弗洛伊德被明尼阿波利斯警察局成员杀害的视频. Since that day, 全世界千百万人民团结一致,要求种族正义和平等. These global events, 作为对各地警察部门进行批判性自我评估的授权, have resulted in the recognition that immediate, esball官方网执法部门内部进行有意义的改革势在必行.

作为回应,esball官方网警察局长协会(RIPCA)已经建立了自己的 Twenty for 2020 誓言——向罗得岛州公民承诺,他们的集体声音已经被听到. 本保函概述了代表市政府的48位esball官方网警察局长制定的20项承诺和政策声明, state, and campus law enforcement agencies across the state. Through this pledge, esball官方网警察社区强调,他们致力于不分种族,平等地为所有公民服务,保护他们的宪法权利, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion.

罗德岛大学校园警察局(RICCP), the practical application of the tenets of the Twenty for 2020 pledge are already well underway. Upon my appointment as Police Chief in 2019, RICCP立即开始了获得esball官方网执法认证的过程.  认证过程包括对机构进行自上而下的审查和分析,并要求执行地方和国家认可的最佳警务政策和做法.  Issues such as the proper handling of interpersonal interactions under a wide variety of circumstances; training officers in de-escalation techniques and the proper uses of force; compelling officers to safely intervene when another officer is about to use or is using force that is clearly beyond that which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances; recognizing persons with mental health needs and providing access to appropriate services; and recognizing and avoiding attitudes and actions that result in bias-based policing are comprehensively addressed. 获得esball官方网认证将向罗德岛大学校园社区的所有成员证明,他们的校园警察真正致力于保护和服务他们.

RICCP还寻求通过实施各种其他举措来加强与校园社区的关系, which include:

  1. 设立不分性别的警察职级,并配备制服徽章.
  2. 建立职业标准、培训和认证办公室.
  3. Obtaining Federal grant certification status.
  4. 发起社区警务活动,如“与警察一起冷静”(在新主播培训期间)和“RIC之夜”.”
  5. 参与校园范围内的COVID远程响应和规划委员会,并为学院的2020年秋季运营计划做出贡献.
  6. 在COVID-19移动检测站点活动期间协调国际扶轮国民警卫队的存在和交通流量.
  7. Working closely with the Community, 平等和多样性司和第九条办公室就促进种族容忍和包容的政策审查和发展问题进行磋商.
  8. Creating a Compliment/Complaint Procedure, 这能确保对任何报告的负面警务互动进行调查. View the procedure and reporting form.
  9. Appointing the first Latino RICCP police officer.
  10. 参加RIC多元化和包容性委员会对话.
  11. Instituting foot patrols to ensure greater visibility.
  12. 通过在校报上发布RICCP警察日志来促进沟通和透明度, The Anchor.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “任何地方的不公正都是对其他地方正义的威胁。.” Policing is a public service. RICCP的主要目标是确保一个安全和友好的环境,使校园社区的所有成员都能茁壮成长.  已经在RICCP上实施的举措,加上我们对 Twenty for 2020 pledge, 会否进一步加强校园警察与他们所服务的校园社区之间的合作精神. In furtherance of this endeavor, we encourage your feedback as communication is key to our shared success.  


James J. Mendonca 
Director of Security and Safety | Chief of Campus Police